Sunday, March 21, 2010

Austin Exile

I'm currently sitting in my hotel in Austin, TX, coughing like a dog and editing together bits of White Laces material that are going to be spread among a few different releases once I (reluctantly) return to Virginia. This includes the first single, which we finished mixing the night before I left.

Since I've been gone, Harding Street Assembly Lab have released HSAL #08 which features a bedroom version of Psychic Healing. Other than that we're working out more shows and release dates within the next week which should be announced as soon as things sort out.

Below you'll find a jam that I worked up this morning in bed. All the parts are taken from the final track on the demo.

Wake Up (Austin Reconstitution) by White Laces

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hawaiian Alcatraz

Thanks again to Eternal Summers and Wild Nothing and everyone who came and filled the basement of Unicorn Manor this past weekend. We really appreciated all of the references to being on/in/outside of a jet during the set.

Right now we're on day two of recording the first single at Sound of Music and sorting through rehearsal bits and ambient pieces for our first cassette/digital release. Thanks to Travis for the photo, which I'm pretty sure depicts the noise jam at the end of Psychic Healing.

As always, more things coming soon.

Motorik Twilight (Bedroom Demo) by White Laces

(To those who wanted a non-expired link to the demos you can go HERE)